Sandra Singer

Photo of Sandra Singer

Professor College of Arts School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing Guelph, Ontario Office: (519) 824-4120 ext. 52446


Dr. Singer's current project is a co-edited collection of essays in honour of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of "The Golden Notebook", co-edited with Alice Ridout and Roberta Rubenstein. Singer draws her research interests into her teaching. Current undergraduate and graduate courses...

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Dr. Singer's current project is a co-edited collection of essays in honour of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of "The Golden Notebook", co-edited with Alice Ridout and Roberta Rubenstein. Singer draws her research interests into her teaching. Current undergraduate and graduate courses focus on narrative, trauma studies, and terrorism in fiction. Additionally, she teaches courses in Critical Practice, Canadian multicultural literature, and 19th- and 20th-century British literature.

Singer is the co-editor of "Doris Lessing Studies". She has published a co-edited collection of essays titled "Doris Lessing: Interrogating the Times" (Ohio State UP, 2010); an entry on "Ethnographic Memoir in Sage Encyclopedia of Case Study Research" (2010); and an article “Acting Out Justice in J. J. Steinfeld’s ‘Courtroom Dramas’” in Canadian Ethnic Studies 41.1 and 2. Her manuscript "Intersections of Terror, Trauma, and Terrorism" is currently under review.

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